"He will bring them death - and they will love him for it."
- Ancient prophesy
- Ancient prophesy
Running away has a price - a very high price, costing you everything - and everyone - you love. It does not matter how justified you thought that running away might have been, it only matters that you did. It leaves a constant grieving in the heart and a trail of shattered objects never to be whole again. With these things preying on your mind, it's easy for your decisions to forsake you further and lead you astray. This is how you find yourself entering the Valley Of Lost Souls.
I'd been wandering for years, marked and scarred by my homelessness. So it did not surprise me to see the sight I saw, of a hangman's noose holding a lifeless body from a tree limb. Such was the sorrow in the earth beneath my feet. Normally I'd have wondered who had hanged him and why. But in this case I knew the man had done it himself. The feeling only increased as a drew nearer.
And then I noticed the rope. Only it was not a rope but barbed wire. What twisted reasoning had brought this soul to this useless demise? I sat on the brown grass and cried. As my tears reached the ground a flower sprouted. As I looked around it was the only flower to be seen. I needed provisions. A runner is one whose choices whittle away and that's how I found myself dipping down into the forest's fog.
My human instincts would not serve me here. I rushed to the sound of a man screaming. When I found him he was sawing on the lower part of his leg.
"Why are you doing that? What's wrong with your leg?"
"Gangrene means the leg must come off."
"Is that what you have, gangrene?"
"No, but the act is the same so it cannot be denied."
"Then why even do it?" I felt as if I'd been drafted as an unwitting character in a play, not knowing my lines had already been scripted.
"Because I have begun! I'd be a fool to stop now!"
"You'd be a fool to continue! Stop now and the wound still has a chance of healing."
"It's too late! All you bleeding hearts are the same, always trying to save the world. I hate you!"
"Do you love yourself?"
"But of course!"
"Then hate from you is a good thing."
"Bastard! I will not be a fool who changes course. I am a man of courage and principle. My loyalty cannot be doubted!"
He went on blathering but I stopped listening. The mention of loyalty I thought odd but I was already learning to block my natural curiosity in this foul land. Get in, get out, resume my wandering. But something told me it wouldn't be so simple. When I heard another frail voice I was still drawn to listen.
"Oh, curse the sky above and the God who made it! What a hell has been made for us. If only the sky weren't blue!"
"But the sky is blue. How is that a source of sorrow?"
"It is for me, my enemy. I claimed it to be mauve. Thousands believed me and followed my word. I was a god among men, riches handed to me in the name of God. Then it all fell away. Hell is this planet!"
"What happened? Everyone found it out to be blue and they turned on you?"
"No, another came along and claimed it fuchsia. His conviction was greater than mine and I was defrocked. Having believed myself a god I opened my eyes to see the sky blue thus making my words hollow. But just think! Were it mauve I'd be revered and loved like none other! Oh, damn this universe we live in!"
As I continued on I remembered the defrocked man's face on an Unwanted poster. In this desperate country the fervor to reject is as great as the fervor to worship. Woe be to he who accepts the invitation to be god of the day. At the edge of the valley village I noticed Saw Man leaning on a crutch talking with a group of friends whose limbs were also missing. Shit, he wasn't kidding about the loyalty part! Above them a pink sign lettered "RNC".
The air became more intense, more suspicious, more deranged, the further I entered. I could hear the whispers. Who does he think he is? Sanity is death! He must not be allowed to live. Could I fake my way through? Could I trumpet my own idiocy with their same conviction? I began to wonder. One thing is for sure, things were reaching a boiling point and I was in the wrong place at the wrong time - again.
An air raid siren sounded acting as a clarion call to the faithful. A loudspeaker made the grave but enthusiastic announcement: "Time has come for Final Solution. All hope is lost! No more tolerance! No more suffering the menace of our enemies! Our will be done!" Fanatic cheers and rampages with angry eyes erupted like a long simmering volcano finally releasing its doom. No one noticed nor cared I even existed. I had not a chance were it otherwise in the face of this red-faced mob.
Just found out they've been voting against
their economic interests for decades
their economic interests for decades
Liberals bound and chained were dragged from prison cells and into the streets. Never had I seen such rage as I did when I heard the scolding from the lost souls. "First you imprisoned us with your words of truth so we imprisoned you. Never once did you think what it meant for us, so no longer will we think of you! Time has come for you to share our fate! See how much better you think you are now! HAHAHAHA!"
To a soul, every last one entered a large ship on the river to the Great Falls, a thousand foot drop straight onto rocks. I could hear the liberals still trying to reason even as the loudspeaker said all hope was gone. "But you will die along with us. Don't you want to live?"
"Live? There's no living here! It's pointless! We've tried everything outside of love and there's nothing to be found. No way we're leaving you behind to badmouth and mock us. Nothing can save you. It is we who rule the world. It has always been this way and will remain this way until the very end! HAHAHAHAHA!"
I rushed to the river's edge as they steamed away heading for certain death. Would they really do it? The ship was gaining too much momentum to stop even if it wanted to. But as it fell over the edge I saw the most miraculous thing: a host of angels descended gathering up each and every liberal and carrying them away to safety. The lost souls wailed in fury.
"We are the saved ones! You're supposed to save us! This isn't fair! You're changing the rules. This was supposed to be our one final win! Oh, damn you, God!"
I watched as the ship shattered to pieces, no survivors, betrayed by everything they'd hoped to save them, true justice before my very eyes. I heard the voice of a liberal looking up as an angel carried him away to God knows where.
"About goddam time!"
CODA: I wandered back to the abandoned village, stocking up to me heart's content on the provisions I needed from the empty stores. I thought myself clever until, suddenly, I slumped to the dirt and pondered, "What the hell for?"