Friday, September 11, 2015

Will You Leave It

"Would I might
But ever see that man!"
- The Tempest, 1.2

Murder scene?? Don't judge too quickly!

Let's face it: crime is simply a matter of geography, nationality and stated intent. There are no radical absolutes. A crime at one longitude and latitude is dismissed as an inconsequential act at another. Once we realize this we realize there's nothing to get upset about. Strawberry fields forever!

First off, lets change the longitude and latitude of an American random shooting to say, Bhakkar, Pakistan. Feeling better already ain't we? No more wailing and gnashing of teeth. Ain't no bullets from Pakistan gonna reach us! Shit happens, dude.

Now let's change the victims names from Johnny, Suzie and Ashley to Achmed, Kassim and Abdul. Don't even seem like real people no more do they?? I know I sure don't know anyone with those names. Non-American = non-person. They don't love their families over there like we do. It's just...different, you know. I can see your eyes glazing over!

Who are you compared to a national insecurity drone strike, kid?

OK, so maybe you have some lingering trace anguish but I know how to resolve that too - and then some! Let's pretend that President Jesus had special secret knowledge that only HE can know and a terrorist suspect was in the audience! Gotta zap him right then and everyone around him! Innocent people gotta die! It's the new hip: everyone's smart enough now to determine who should live and who should die by summary execution. Yeehaw!

So admit it! You ain't feelin' bad no more, is ya? In fact, I bet you feel pretty damn edgy and "with it" to be so hip, you kewl killer dude you!

" my false brother
awakened an evil nature, and my trust,
like a good parent, did beget of him
A falsehood in its contrary as great
As my trust was, which had, indeed, no limit,
A confidence sans bound..."
- The Tempest, 1.2

You may now resume your regularly scheduled concerns: Apathy and TomKat snark!