Sunday, February 2, 2014

Tears Of The Twilight Child


Twilight Child
Run for the sky;
Storms on the ground
Are rushing nigh.

Parental plotting
Stole the future;
Search for healing
But find no suture.

Dogs of war
Have cut their leash;
No fortress built
They cannot breach.

Dark witches glee
In unholy book;
Plant dead seeds
To fool the cook.

Their intended heaven
Will you believe -
Or the hell they make
For you to grieve?

What see you when
Masks ripped asunder?
They sell you love
But treasure plunder.

A contract forged
For you to sign:
That when abused
You're "feeling fine."

Wheels in motion
Grind dreams to dust;
The corporate soul
Your life to rust.

"The world is love,
"It's life's the lie."
You'll be outcast
If you dare sigh.

How frightening, yes,
To face this horror;
But without the truth
You'll be the poorer.

Sorrow and pity
They forever sow;
The final solution
We'll soon know.

Time's come for
The end of the Age;
So praise the fool
And kill the sage;

But holy Nature
Cannot be swayed;
She always knows
When She's betrayed.

Twilight Child
Must face our doom!
Hold fast to your heart
In the deepening gloom.

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