Sunday, November 10, 2013

A Traveler Of Both Time And Space

"Stop here! Put it down right here!"

The helicopter deftly landed on a sandy dune deep in the Great Desert. It was a dangerous maneuver but these were men on an historic mission. Satellite underground imaging had indicated an ancient lost city at these coordinates and thoughts of a Nobel phone call raced through their minds. They travelled not only to the deepest part of the desert but even more dangerously to their careers outside the accepted paths of human history. They hoped to find a long, lost truth.

To the naked eye, nothing was to be found. No one passed through these parts, not even desert caravans. When had a place like this ever been inhabitable? They were stepping far back into time - maybe too far. Portable Seismic indicators led them to a shallow spot and it was there excavation began. Could be weeks before anything could be found but these were not ordinary times demanding extraordinary efforts.

The howling, merciless winds had shifted the desert landscape with no living soul the wiser. But now, buried secrets inched towards daylight that altered not only the landscape but the consciousness of Man. Like a lid on a boiling pot lost artifacts of forgotten truths bubbled upwards undeniably. Almost as an extension of a global cry for answers the earth responded with her clues. To not know could be stood no longer.

It was that same global adrenaline that laced these explorers. Something inside said, "It is time." Time for what they did not know but to be on the cutting edge, to feel as the focal point of a collective energy excited their instincts like never before. Something profound was here - something liberating. Every field at its peak has its artists, these archeologists at last faced their moment in the sun. Just what had they tapped into? Was here a solution for so long missing?

It didn't take long before bones were found. That should not have happened. Should have been days or possibly weeks before any evidence would be found. Certainly, a change in the earth was occurring! As if by design, the skeleton was laid out in perfect formation. Only one thing wrong: the size. Rumors of giants have existed as long as the printed word but never had hard evidence been provided. But here in the whisper quiet sands was proof loud and clear - a shot heard 'round the world.

"My God, I don't believe it! He measures sixteen feet six inches."

"Look at the bone thickness. He'd have been terrifying in his day."

"But ordinary if he were part of a gigantic race."

"It must be some sort of anomaly!"

Digging furiously like a pack of ravenous animals, more bones and skeletons were found, all matching the size and density of the first one. Undoubtedly, were they to keep digging an entire civilization would be discovered just as the satellite maps had hinted. A revelation like this would shatter the history books and Mankind's complete understanding of its origins and history. No outsiders allowed.

The three men looked at each other as if they were on the verge of stepping into a new dimension. A discovery like this would etch their names as archeological gods forevermore. A sense of unreality crept into them. It seemed as if the planet was hurling out of orbit, a rocking of its axis that could change all life in the twinkling of an eye. There was a reason these types of truth had not been discovered before.

Transfixed by the sight of the skeletons, every answer for possible fraudulence was considered in each of the three men's minds. More of a reaction of deniability than anything, the implications thundered through these learned beings like an earthquake giving them no solid ground on which to stand. This simply cannot be happening! Had they taken a step too far?

"Can you gauge their age?"

"Approximately 15,000 years old. This area would have been a tropical paradise back then. Obviously, we'll need to take some bones back for further testing."

Take some back? This realization scared the men. Yes, they'd have eternal glory but what exactly were they bringing back? Would they be unleashing a destructive fact that could upend the structure of worldly beliefs? Take the bones back? Maybe not...

"We need to come up with an explanation. First, are they even human?"

"Human, definitely. But maybe not of this world."

"Nephilim! He must be Nephilim."

"The giants of Canaan?"

"They're mentioned earlier, in Genesis. 'The sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.' Beginning of chapter six, I believe."

The weight of this thought both excited and suppressed them. The exact meaning of "the sons of God" had been speculated to have been everything from extraterrestrials to fallen angels. Before Earth was said to matter the Nephilim roamed freely as products of alleged mutant sin. Eventually they came to be wiped out as their time had passed to give Mankind its chance to move passed sin. Until now, this had only been a theory.

"So what does it mean?"

The unstated question was: what the hell else don't we know? Would a centaur be next? Atlantis? What is myth and what is reality after all? No one was willing to dig further.

"I think it means...maybe nothing"

"Means what? Say it, man!"

"I can't! I can't finish. I just can't."

"You two are pathetic. It means: we don't know who we are. We're going to have to change our outlooks drastically."

"That's not possible! This whole thing is absurd!"

"It's absurd to deny what's right before your eyes!"

"They're a plant! A bund of fakes!"

"You're talking rubbish now! Face it! We're on the verge of changing the course of history!"

"That's not our call! Let someone else find this later. Now is not the time for revelations."

"If it were not the time we'd have never have found it. Now is the time!"

An air of irrationality twisted their natures. That's when the chopper pilot noticed something even more disturbing.

"Hey guys, nothing is working. The GPS, radio, nothing. I've got no physical landmarks to guide us back out of here. We're in serious trouble."

"Wait, I still have my compass."

But the compass when taken out showed only a spinning needle unable to gain its bearings. "Dear God, has anyone seen such a thing?"

"I've heard of it before, in the Zone of Silence. Didn't we determine we're on the same parallel as the Great Pyramids?"

"Yes, so what?"

"The Zone of Silence is on that same parallel as well as the Bermuda triangle. If this is a similar energy portal as some say those are that could help explain this creature's presence."

"I think "creature" is a good name for it!"

"A race of prehistoric space beings with no connection to Mankind has been discovered - that sounds like a plausible fucking headline!"

"It's a relatively modern ideology that stigmatizes alien contact. Why shouldn't there be visitors from other planets? Logically, that makes more sense given the number of stars. Without that prejudice, our ancestors would have accepted the sight of aliens the same way as we accept seeing a dog or a cat, a completely natural occurrence. But now that we've turned violent to the idea, become so possessed by our own prejudices we feel necessary to keep insulated so that these beings can no longer show themselves without being destroyed."


"You know it's true. Ask yourself! To study the nature of responsibility is to study the nature of the universe."

The chopper pilot noticed a return to normalcy of his instruments. "Fellas, I'm sure it's a coincidence but the more peaceful you are the less interference I get. I know that sounds silly..."

"No, that makes perfect sense. This is a place of densely polarized energy. A truth like this bears a high price, it doesn't come for free. Einstein had to face is own morality to bring his theories to light while lesser souls refused to go down that path. We, gentlemen, face the same hurdle."

"I'm sorry. I'm not ready to drop this bomb on the world. We can't just wipe out the foundations of beliefs. It is immoral!"

"The truth can only wipe out lies! Lies are a foundation meant to crumble. The earlier we do it the better."

"No, it's too soon! It's too soon! I can't take it! It's driving me mad!"

"I agree! This is too much! Not now! Anything but now!"

"You two are fools and cowards! Have some faith. The truth will set us free. There is no god higher than truth."

"This will bury us same as the desert buried them! You are driving us insane!"

"Oh, to hell with you. I'm taking a bone back to shock the world and open their minds. Besides, what we know now cannot be unknown."

"We can't let you do that!"

And so they didn't.

As always in history, the non-believers killed the believer, burying him next to the giants. But the resulting discord in their souls vibrated the energy field to such an extant no physical instrument could function, leaving the travelers stranded in the desert to die. The secret of the giant race remains a secret for now but a new rage entered the world, another degree added to the boiling pot, tilting another inch the earth's axis in bent disharmony.

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