Saturday, January 31, 2015

Iraq War, Poverty, Racism And Other Myths

I have a problem with lying. Or maybe I should say with wanting to lie. I'm more comfortable when I lie. That's why it seems I tell the truth when I lie and lie when I tell the truth. Part of this, certainly, is living in a world that deserves little trust to handle truth. But I lie even when I can trust. It's a common trait for those who grow up in dysfunctional homes and mine was certainly a nightmare of epic proportions.

Considering all the lying going on, mine was not unique. At some point the lying children are put in charge and it becomes institutionalized. Suddenly, it's responsible to lie. Truth is slandered as the enemy that hurts people's feelings. 'Tis a mixed-up, crazy world out there! And we each silently fret what's to come of it. For that is the truest mirror of all. What will you see in that mirror?

And laughable though it may be, we hope to influence that time of revelation with lies beforehand. "You see, Wally, you gotta make everyone believe you're great even when you're awful. That's when you have it made!" But in the end what "everyone thinks" will make no difference. As the pressure mounts and time slips through our fingers, bolder and bolder expand the lies until parody itself is dead. Let's look at some examples.

"Iraq War". We hear that phrase all the time but there was no Iraq War. What there was was our Iraq Invasion. Now just imagine if you heard over and over again about our Iraq Invasion. The word "war" implies a certain helplessness, as if we were forced into it. But there's less ambiguity to "invasion". We invaded of our own free will, no provocation required. The fact we deceived ourselves as to a motive is only more condemning.

The Liar Deniers will attempt to spin "war" and "invasion" as a difference without a distinction knowing that argument plays to the willfully ignorant masses. What they won't do, however, is put their money where their mouth is and start actually saying Iraq Invasion (and why not if there's no difference??) Uh-huh. It's for the same reason we call Obamacare heath care reform instead of what it is: health insurance reform. In both these cases we took a sad song and made it sadder.

In continuing our stage play of pretended life is the great perfidy of alleged poverty. Look at the world around you, there's enough here to feed, clothe and house every person alive. Folks, back in the bad old days when the crops failed and that's all there was now that's poverty. What we've got now is a failure to remunerate. Take the story of two islands.

On the first island is ten banana trees and the ten people on the island pool their output so if one tree fails the rest make up for it. That's how mutual survival go. But the second island is without faith, making up an idol called shizzfarts, mandating only those with shizzfarts be allowed to eat! (I know, it sounds insane but it makes perfect sense to them). Everyone hated the rule but it promised a free ride to those who held the shizzfarts and by this they were corrupted. On that island, one guy got really fat, two more ate well and the rest starved in "poverty" - only both islands had the same amount of food.

Corruption breeds self-contempt and that breeds many, many "isms". The list is endless so we'll stick with the fashionable one of racism. So we hate each other for the differing colors of our skin, eh? Well, what if the whole world were blind? Would racism go away then? Not one whit. I can tell you Dr. King's pleas for justice would be just as painful to a Southern oppressor with or without his sight and the urge to silence that voice just the same. All hate starts with self-hate. Love first, ask questions later.

The biggest laugh to me is to hear the second islanders speak of "preserving" civilization. Uh, come again? With their invasion of the first island to take its resources only so the fat can get fatter and mandating shizzfarts as if it were a law of nature and the inevitable collapse corruption always brings, what civilization? Civilization is a state that has yet to be achieved. But we all like to lie and pretend our family is really better than what it is. But there's no hope in lying.

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