Listen children
But you won't hear,
Of the midnight ride
Of Paul Revere.
Someone asked,
What's in a name?
"I've never heard
"Of a man named Twain."
Don't serve the world -
You must serve Heaven!
When Judas died
There was only eleven.
I sang a song
Dreamed from Lennon;
She shook her head,
As if I was sinnin'.
She screamed to God:
"Don't raise the sun!
"Can't you see
"My book is not done?"
Dead secret dreams
Howl deep in the dark;
Homeless man cries
Pacing the park.
A very successful
Mortgage lender,
Lives for his weekly
Weekend bender.
Breathless reports:
"A sea shift change!"
As we reveal
More of the same.
Call MASH units,
My lines have been lost!
How many verse
Will this battle cost?
A purple heart
For losing his war;
Give all you got
The world will ask more.
You got blood on your face
You big disgrace
Kickin' your hope
All over the place.
He fought a struggle
That's never been won:
A man who serves two
Instead of the One.
Emily raised me
Up to the blue sky,
But the Unknown Writer
Lives only to die.
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