Thursday, September 19, 2013

Why Be A Shooter? Hell, Why Not??

You see it everywhere. Ninety percent of our advertising is geared towards ten percent of the population. Half the population are de facto slaves, another forty percent are middle men living in various degrees of comfort as they pass on their cash with the final ten percent out there buying up the BMWs, going on cruises and funding mainstream advertising. But it's not really five figure vacations and six figure cars we are selling. We're selling the perfectness of our society.

Come, see how the winners live! If you aren't living like that it must be your own fault! Prosperity preachers even speak of divine dollars for the deserved. How do you know you deserve the money? Easy! Because you have it. How do you know a person deserves to suffer? Easy! Because he is. Yes, it's good to live in a perfect world that's above questioning and need never change. Wouldn't you love to be above questioning and need never change?

If so, then you're part of the problem.

Reality is a bit more complicated than our propaganda would have us believe. While the vast majority for one reason or another simply lie down and let their life be destroyed there are a stubborn few who cannot see why they should die - for any reason. Them's the people you don't wanna cross. But cross we do! It happened to Clyde Barrow when the prison guards taught him it's OK to kill at will. It's happened all throughout history - and there's always been a price to pay for it.

None of this is breaking news. We all know some societies are more violent than others and that there's a reason for that. When we hear of a mass shooting we publicly recoil and blame the gun or pretentiously pretend not to understand why anyone would shoot or simply turn a blind eye lest we be drawn into a debate leading to self-questioning. We do this because it's impossible not wonder how much of our finger was on that trigger.

This may not solve anything but I'll feel better

Telling people day after day 24/7 in relentless pervasive preaching they don't deserve to live but do deserve to be hung out to dry and die is to create people who believe that. To live in a dog-eat-dog society and not expect shooters is same as drinking poison and expecting to live. You can do it - there's nothing stopping you - but you will die nonetheless. So in the end if you tell me there are people who deserve to suffer and die and I'm standing with a bottle of poison at the public well, I'm pretty much following our credo when I pour it in.

Love and bullets to all!

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